The US Postal Service divides our country up into what they call regions. Curious to see which region your part of the country falls into? We’ve laid out all the different USPS regions in this guide, and a brief summary of each one.
The Six Different Main Regions
We’ve listed the six regions below, including some stats such as: how many districts make it up, how many delivery points (aka addresses) USPS delivers to, how many different facilities there are, and how many employees the Postal Service has there.
Atlantic Region
Sal Vacca leads operations for the Atlantic region, which spans a 247,500 square mile area that includes the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states. It encompasses parts of the country like Baltimore, Northern New Jersey, Northern Virginia, greater Boston and parts of New York.
- Districts: 19
- Delivery Points: 36 million
- Employees: Roughly 169,000
- Facilities: Approximately 9,000, including 8,600 Post Offices and 66 processing and distribution plants
Central Region
Krista Finazzo leads operations for the Central region, which 490,300 square-mile area that includes 10 states, including Illinois, Michigan, and parts of Ohio.
- Districts: 13
- Delivery Points: 33.2 million
- Employees: Roughly 140,000
- Facilities: Approximately 8,100, including 8,000 Post Offices and 72 processing and distribution plants
Southern Region
Timothy Costello leads operations for the Southern region, which spans 781,000 square-mile region. It includes 11 states such as Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, south Florida, and parts of Texas. The Southern region also includes certain territories like Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
- Districts: 18
- Delivery Points: 52.8 million
- Employees: Roughly 175,000
- Facilities: Approximately 8,000, including 7,900 Post Offices and 88 processing and distribution plants
Western Pacific Region
Gregory Graves leads operations for the Western Pacific region, which is the second largest region at 2.1 million square-miles. The region includes all of the Western continental states such as Washington, Oregon, and California, as well as Alaska and Hawaii.
- Districts: 17
- Delivery Points: 37.9 million
- Employees: Roughly 136,000
- Facilities: Approximately 7,000, including 6,900 Post Offices and 94 processing and distribution plants
Eastern Region
Dane Coleman leads operations for the Eastern region, which encompasses a 642,000 square-mile region. It is made up of 22 smaller states, such as parts of Massachusetts, Delaware, Connecticut, and New York.
- Districts: 6
- Employees: 59,000
- Facilities: 139
Western Region
Larry Munoz leads operations for the Western region, which is the largest of all the regions at 2.3-million square-miles. The Western region includes 28 states such as Arizona, Wyoming, Idaho, and parts of Southern California.
- Districts: 6
- Employees: 50,300
- Facilities: 149
Are the Regions the Same as the USPS Zones?
Contrary to what most people think, USPS regions have nothing to do with USPS zones! It’s entirely apples and oranges. USPS regions specify certain areas of the American landscape, physical parts of the country within boundaries, just like states and counties have.
USPS zones, on the other hand, simply indicate the distance a package needs to travel to reach the final destination. The further a package has to travel, the higher the USPS zone. For example, shipping a package from New York to New Jersey is considered Zone 1, while shipping the same package from New York to California is considered Zone 8.
Learn more about the different USPS zones.
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