Cigarettes fall into the list of items USPS restricts or prohibits, but you can ship them in certain situations. Before you go stuffing cartons into a box or envelope, read on to see if USPS will allow you to ship cigarettes.
You Can Only Ship Cigarettes with USPS in Limited Circumstances
Unfortunately, while USPS allows you to ship cigarettes, it’s not as easy as sending a couple of packs to your buddy in a different state. USPS only allows for the domestic shipment of cigarettes in extremely limited situations.
The circumstances in which USPS will allow you to send cigarettes and smokeless tobacco are as follows:
- Intra-Alaskan and intra-Hawaiian shipments
- Business/regulatory purposes
- Small-quantity “gift” shipments to individuals
- Individual returns of an unacceptable tobacco product to a manufacturer
Pro Tip: If your circumstances allow you to ship cigarettes, you’ll still need approval from a USPS worker at the Post Office. This is because the Postal Service employee needs to verify that your recipient is of legal age to receive the shipment (and that you’re of legal age to send it).
Shipping Cigarettes to an APO/FPO/DPO
When shipping to APO/FPO/DPO locations in foreign countries, USPS treats packages as domestic mail. So, you can still send your cigarettes with any USPS service, as long as you meet the strict circumstances we listed above.
With that said, shipments are still subject to every foreign country’s prohibitions and restrictions. To find out if a particular country allows for incoming cigarettes and smokeless tobacco shipments, check out the USPS Individual Country Listings.
Cigars are Totally Fair Game
Luckily, USPS isn’t as strict when it comes to sending cigars. In fact, there aren’t any restrictions here at all; cigars can be sent via any USPS service without any written permission required! You can also ship cigars to any state within the United States and its territories, but not internationally.
What About FedEx or UPS?
Interestingly, both FedEx and UPS prohibit cigarette and smokeless tobacco shipments altogether. UPS and FedEx are typically more lenient on certain items, since neither are a government agency like USPS is. For example, you can ship ammo with UPS, but not with USPS. However, both UPS and FedEx draw a strict line when it comes to cigarettes. So, if you want to ship them, you can only use USPS—just make sure you meet the rules and regulations!
Does Your Business Manufacture or Sell Cigarettes?
If you need to ship cigarettes for business purposes, then you’re in luck. You can do that with USPS, but you’ll need to go through a stringent approval process. This includes completing an application letter requesting to mail under the business/regulatory purposes exception, providing the applicable state and federal licenses, and more.
Check out the USPS website: 472 Mailability for more information on how to obtain permission from the Postal Service to send and receive cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.
Erin Smith
OK, so I’m gonna ask the question that most WANT to ask/know, but might be a lil nervous putting it in writing. I’d like to know HOW the post office would know that there are butts in the priority box? Under a different thread, a lot of people made it clear that the USPS very very RARELY x-ray their packages. (unless there’s a pretty OBVIOUS reason to check it. Examples being~
Any type of chemical smell, box is extremely damaged BEFORE it gets shipped out, suspicious weight/sounds, or possibly showing clear signs that it might be holding biohazardous materials.) I’m, 100% sure that there’s plenty of other examples, but just can’t think of them right now. So, I’ve been wondering….
If it gets shipped to/from you, & your box isn’t sketchy whatsoever, & DOESN’T get scanned, then HOW would they actually know?
Big Jim
They wouldn’t unless it got jammed in a sorting machine and ripped open or the label got ripped off in transit and they opened the box to determine where it was going.
Roy Shamturd
Does anyone know how loose they are with cigars? I hear all of this cigarillos and filtered cigars and tobacco products, but that’s just it. They specify the cheapest products and I hear of many stories where they do ship cigars. Where cigarettes are tight, but cigars are archaic.
I’m discovering that each post office can determine what a “small amount for gift to an individual” means to them. I have heard one carton, and today, one pack at a time. It has to be mailed express or priority and you have to disclose and have an adult 21 or over sign for the package.
There is a $50 fee, plus shipping, to mail cigarettes. The post office can print out the rules & regulations for you. I do not remember the # that can be sent, maybe 750 ish?
Hi to all my Cali smokers!
I am a California resident as well and have done a ton of investigating on this. From what I have learned, ut is okay for the “out of state person” to send you a “small gift of cigarettes” (i.e. a carton or a cour of packs at a time) through USPS ONLY as long as they verify your 21 and over and they check with the USPS employee when sending (apparently its each postal workers personal decision) them.
But that’s the only way, unless you visit another state for vacation then there is no limit on how any you bring back with you (it says as many as you can fit in your luggage).
I hope my info helps…
Thank you for the information. I found out about this the last day they were legal to sale. I bought as many cartons as I could but I’m running low and cannot smoke regular ciggies.
The circumstances in which USPS will allow you to send cigarettes and smokeless tobacco are as follows:
Intra-Alaskan and intra-Hawaiian shipments
Business/regulatory purposes
Small-quantity “gift” shipments to individuals
Individual returns of an unacceptable tobacco product to a manufacturer
Just make sure the person you are sending to is over 18 by requiring adult signature upon delivery. You can’t send lots without being an actual legit business but a carton or a few packs is just fine….
I line in CA and smoke Newports 100s and a friend of mine In NC has agreed to send me some. Is it ok to send a carton at a time or fewer? Should they be wrapped in somethimg? Any information would be greatly apprreciated
Does anyone have any definite answers about the legality of sending packs or cartons of cigarettes from one state, perhaps Arizona, to a recipient in California?
Ann lundgren
Can i have two cartons of cigarettes sent from Louisiana to Arizona
California has outlawed the sale of menthol cigarettes and that’s all I smoke. Is there any way to have them sent to me shipped to me from another state
Same! Isn’t it ridiculous? I just moved here from MO and asked my sister to mail me some and she looked it up and it said it’s illegal….I’m investigating – have you gotten an answer?
I hope you get some answers because I’m in the same boat as you. I have family in Nevada and hoping they will be able to send me some.
This is insane I am 51 years old I should be able to make my own decisions. It’s time us California’s said enough. Other states should show support by mailing them to us.
I didn’t vote for this law or president.
Amen! I’m 52 and should be able to purchase cigarettes. Retail and parents need to monitor. Marijuana is legal, but menthol cigarettes aren’t… Please explain that to me. I’m hoping this isn’t the case in Nevada.
Lori Sanders
Cigarettes are more expensive in California than any other state. My son in law in law will send me some a pack at a time but he is afraid it’s against USPS laws.
Lori Sanders
He lives in Oregon.
Erin Smith
I suppose it doesn’t really matter, regardless, but NY holds the #1 Most Expensive Cigarettes ‘prize’. Sadly, I live in Massachusetts, & we’re #4 on the list. (I believe they are, approx, $13 a pack, which is absolutely RIDICULOUS!) Just like the Menthol issue, I think it’s total bull-poop that the government is trying to bankrupt American citizens, in hopes of FORCING us to quit! I know it holds a completely different meaning, but I feel as though, “My Body, My Choice” fits this scenario perfectly!
OK, so I’m gonna ask the question that most WANT to ask/know, but might be a lil nervous about putting it in writing. I’d like to know HOW the post office would know that there are butts in the priority box? Under a different thread, a lot of people made it clear that the USPS very very RARELY x-ray their packages. (unless there’s a pretty OBVIOUS reason to check it. Examples being any type of chemical smell, box is extremely damaged BEFORE it gets shipped out, suspicious weight/sounds, or possibly showing clear signs that it might be holding biohazardous materials.) I’m, 100% sure that there’s plenty of other examples, as well, but just can’t think of them right now. So, I’ve been wondering…. If it gets shipped to/from you, & your box isn’t sketchy whatsoever, & DOESN’T get scanned, then HOW would they actually know?
Since this reply is already novel sized, which I apologize for, then I’m just going to write a 2nd post, w/ just the above paragraph.
My brand of cigarettes is very Expensive almost the price of N.Y. And I’m trying to get some from ATL cheap as N.C. So my friend trying to send me a carton yesss but I can’t wait until my daughter moves back to N.C.. so I can get them mailed on the Regular
I live in NC. Ship to my mom and friend all the time. Need help?
Yes I’d love some advice I’m trying to mail my son a pack of smokes from Washington to North Carolina suggestions?
You are allowed to send ‘small quantity “gift” shipments’ of cigs by USPS, so it’s not illegal at all. You just have to make sure the person you’re sending it to is over 18 and possibly require an adult signature upon delivery…so a carton or a few packs is just fine!!
Is a carton too much to send out and one time?
I want to send 4 packages of cigarettes to Chicago.
Can you tell me how you shipped cartons of cigarettes from NC
We’re you able to send cigarettes and how often
Want to have cigarettes shipped from Florida to pa. How do I do it and how much can you send?
Francesca McEwan
Can I send cigarettes via usps from Florida to California
Yes, help Carmen! I can have someone from MO send to me in CA – how do we do legally?
It says you are allowed to send small quantity “gift” shipments of cigs through USPS- so a carton or few packs is totally fine, you just have to make sure that the person you are sending them to is over 18 and possibly an adult signature is required for delivery. So it’s not illegal at all. And menthols aren’t illegal to HAVE in CA, just to sell I guess.
Christina Wetherby
Even cheaper in WV like 5 bucks a pack for the good ones like marlboro or camel. $1.09 for chew. I just moved from WV to NY & holy moly !
Bronson B.
Amen. Came to California from Alabama 1.5 years ago. $5 a pack back home is $11 a pack in Cali. When I moved out here I didn’t realize that I was going to have to save my money up just to be able to be poor here.
I was just looking to get export A cigarettes in Phoenix Arizona and I can’t find any that’s incredible for the size of Phoenix
Strangely I think laws are even different depending on the state. NC just recently passed a law stating that you must be 21 years of age instead of 18 and no smoking in any state building or medical facility including nursing homes. I can get Instacart to deliver alcohol like beers and wines but no cigarettes are allowed. Then I found the 7 eleven app that allows cigarette delivery purchases but does not allow any alcohol. The real reasons behind all these restrictions comes down to money. Taxes are extreme on cigarettes up the northern states more so than the southern states. A pack that is six dollars in NC could cost 15 in NY. I think they don’t want to see anyone profiting by illegally selling cigarettes which is understandable but it’s still all about the government control. My personal position is if any service being usps or a delivery service that can help with getting drunks off the road should be a good thing. Make it easier for the intoxicated person to receive these legal items so that there is no way for them to temp to illegally drive out to get these legal items. Sadly just a game of making that money.
P. Stokes
I agree with what you have said. I also feel that if certain Governments feel it’s a danger for certain cigarettes to be sold to teenagers then they should make it harder to do so without making it invasive to adults who have already made their decisions on whether they want to have a cigarette every now and then. Myself, personally, I have always liked menthol cigarettes. And, I have always hated regular ones. To me regular cigarettes feel like they are sucking the oxygen out of my lungs. Menthols never did that, so if that is why they are wanting to ban them, all they are doing is taking our rights away from us. Which, if you haven’t noticed is something that will be easier and easier for them to do the more that we allow them to do it!!
Well, guess what, there have been many articles in independent channels that research shows menthol cigarettes HELPED your lungs, if you got “VID”. I am a menthol smoker, and got the “VID” in 2020, and after 1 hour of high anxiety, and taking vitamins & zinc, had a menthol cigarette to calm my nerves, and was able to breath much better. Just my personal experience. So, if that doesn’t tell us what is really going on – nothing will.
Roz Sanders
This rule is unfair for nursing home residents whose family and friends may live too far away for in-person deliveries. Already limited by income allowances for personal expenses, such “gifts” ought to be allowed. So those with nearby relatives can enjoy their bad habit, but the ones already stressed out by this continued ienforced isolation have one less opportunity to relax and chill out with a Smoke. can’t
Cynthia Collins
I agree. Oddly enough, this is the exact scenario that had me researching the topic
Charlita J. Montgomery
Im looking for a certain packs of cigarettes may be carry ing on another state not in illinois
So I’m confused…??? If I live in Delaware & want to mail 3 packs of regular “Virginia Slims Lights” cigarettes to Virginia. I can’t.. ???
Please elaborate…?
Thank You in advance for sharing
Big jim
If you mail a few packs odds are that it’s going to make it. It’s just technically against the rules. Just have the package sealed before you get to the post office and select no on the hazmat question.
Hey big Jane…based on the part of your reply regarding following rules, can we assume that means you follow all rules? I bet you don’t,right? That would be a strange way to live life, if you can’t follow the speed limit then quit driving. If
Big Jim
If it gets inspected they’ll just seize the cigarettes and send her a letter saying not to do it again because it’s considered contraband. Nobody is showing up at her door for a few packs of cigarettes when people get away with shipping lbs of other substances everyday without getting a knock on the door. I bet you use the crosswalk every time you cross the street too. There’s nothing noble about paying exorbitant taxes on cigarettes in your state when they’re available at a fair price elsewhere, it’s just stupid to pay local prices when it’s 3x the cost. It’s $10 to send a priority flat rate box.