Amazon Breaks Ground on Prime Airport in Kentucky
Big news on the Amazon front! On Tuesday, May 14th, Amazon broke ground on a brand new Prime Airport outside of Kentucky. This new airport is an enormous tentpole investment in Amazon’s push to make one-day shipping a reality. In order to achieve one-day shipping for all Prime customers across America, Amazon has made huge investments to take control of transportation via the land and sea. Now, the Bezos-led eCommerce behemoth is taking to the skies.
The New Prime Airport Will Be Massive
The Kentucky-based Prime Air hub will take up over 3,000,000 square feet and will create 2,000 jobs. However, constructing the airport will be no small drop in the financial bucket for Amazon, and Bezos is betting big. The airport will cost Amazon $1.5 billion dollars, and the company has signed a 50-year lease on the property.
One thing is for certain: smack dab in the middle of the United States, this new Prime airport will shake up the shipping industry as we know it.
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin gave his thoughts on the matter in an official statement.
“Amazon’s Prime Air hub promises to revolutionize the fulfillment industry worldwide,” he said.
Jeff Bezos Personally Led the Groundbreaking Ceremony
Amazon breaking ground on a new Prime airport was a spectacle that had everyone watching. It was such a big deal that even Jeff Bezos stopped by to personally drop some dirt on the lot, which he documented in this video.
“Let’s move some Earth!” he said after giving a short speech during the groundbreaking ceremony. Once Bezos was finished ceremoniously shifting the dirt, he popped out of John Deere frontloader with a smile on his face.
“All right…if you’re wondering,” he said, chuckling and leaning outside the open door of the frontloader, “That’s fun!”
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