Help Letter Carriers This Winter By Shoveling Sidewalks
After a brutally hot summer, winter is finally right around the corner. That means lots of peppermint candy, hot chocolate, and some of the biggest shipping days of the year. However, winter means more to USPS than just a surge in package delivery volume. Every winter season, icy sidewalks are a major source of injuries among letter carriers. The goods news is, you can do your part! Helping your local letter carriers stay safe this winter is as simple as shoveling sidewalks to make sure snow doesn’t build up into ice.
USPS Kindly Asks You to Shovel Sidewalks Outside Your Residence
USPS always urges residents in states with high snowfall to shovel sidewalks in order to help letter carriers deliver mail and parcels without issue. It can get pretty dangerous out there, and our letter carriers are constantly exposed to the elements.
According to USPS, 289 letter carriers in Colorado alone injured themselves in 2018 due to icy sidewalks. However, no matter how icy things get, only in rare cases do letter carriers ever stay off the roads. One such occurrence happened last winter, when USPS suspended mail delivery in the Midwest due to extreme cold weather.
For those of us who live in a state with a lot of snowfall, let’s all do our part to keep our letter carriers safe this winter by keeping snow and ice off the sidewalks.
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