The Busiest Shipping Week of the Year Is Here
There is just over one week until Christmas, and while most businesses are starting to wind down for the holidays, the shipping industry is going full steam ahead. Both individual shippers and eCommerce businesses are scrambling to meet peak demand. Thus, shipping carriers are gearing up for the busiest shipping week of the year.
Pre-Holidays are the Busiest Week Not Just for Shipping, But eCommerce as a Whole
Every year, the week before the Christmas holidays are a frenzy in the shipping industry. This is due to a growing trend in eCommerce as a whole. More items sold online means more packages that need to be shipped out. That means more business for the shipping carriers. As a result, major shippers like UPS even went so far as to hire more than 100,000 seasonal workers to help meet demand this year.
During the 2018 holiday season, eCommerce businesses saw an average sales growth of 10% per online store. Consumers spent nearly $850 billion between November 1st and Christmas Eve, and a significant portion of that total came from eCommerce sales. Based on 2019 Black Friday revenue measurements ($7.2 billion in digital sales alone), this year’s holiday season is expected to blow last year’s eCommerce sales figures out of the water.
Make Sure You Are Meeting the Holiday Shipping Deadlines
If you want your packages to arrive on time before the holidays, then you need to send them out before the holiday shipping deadlines. Each major carrier (USPS, UPS, and FedEx) has their own shipping deadlines to be aware of, which a simple Google search can reveal.
The week before the holidays may be the busiest shipping time of the year, but that doesn’t mean you should wait it out and miss the holidays. Get your packages ready to go, and check out the 2019 USPS holiday shipping deadlines here.
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