UPS is Hiring 100,000+ Workers for the Holidays
This winter season, UPS (NYSE:UPS) is hiring seasonal workers and handing out jobs like Santa chucking out Christmas presents. The company recently announced that they plan on hiring over 100,000 seasonal workers to help handle and deliver packages.
Why is UPS Hiring So Many Workers?
UPS is hiring a large seasonal workforce to meet a huge anticipated surge in customer demand. In the broader shipping industry as a whole, holiday demand keeps getting higher as eCommerce continues booming. In fact, holiday retail revenue came in at $850 billion for 2018, with a large portion of that number coming from online sales. Consumers spent over $8 billion on Cyber Monday alone last year!
UPS’ Chief Operating Officer Jim Barber provided a quote on the company’s expectations for the holidays.
“We expect another record peak season this year, with daily package deliveries nearly doubling compared to our average of 20 million per day,” he said.
The 2019 Holiday Shipping Schedule Will Be Tighter Than Most Years
Another reason why UPS is hiring so many seasonal workers is because the 2019 holiday shipping schedule will be tighter than most years. 2019 is the year that Thanksgiving shifts 6 days later than normal. As a result, this year’s holiday shipping schedule as a whole will have 6 fewer shipping days than it typically does. From UPS’ perspective (as well as other companies such as Amazon), fewer shipping days combined with an ever-growing increase in holiday package volume warrants the need for more seasonal workers to help with package handling and delivery.
Want to Apply for a Seasonal Job with UPS?
Looking to pick up some seasonal work this winter? Check out UPS’ job listings portal on their website. Most of the company’s current listings are for drivers, driver helpers, and package handlers. In cities all throughout the United States, UPS even goes so far as to erect temporary facilities that they build just for the holiday shipping rush. A good portion of these seasonal jobs will be headquartered in these facilities, along with UPS’ permanent packaging hubs.
FYI, hiring a large seasonal workforce is a practice that UPS does every year. However, 35% of UPS’ seasonal workers typically transition into full-time employees after the holidays.
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