Ronald Stroman is the former Deputy Postmaster General (DPMG) and Chief Government Relations Officer for USPS. He assumed this role in 2011 and became USPS’ 20th DPMG. Stroman stepped down from this position in May 2020, when Louis DeJoy became the new Postmaster General.
Duties and Responsibilities
As Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Government Relations Officer, Ronald Stroman was the second-highest USPS executive behind Postmaster General. He serveed on USPS’ Board of Governors and the Executive Leadership Team led by Megan Brennan. He oversaw and facilitated USPS’ relationship with the Congress, as well as with federal, state, and local agencies. Stroman also spearheaded the Postal Service’s relationship with the Universal Postal Union as well as the Department of State on international postal policy.
In layman’s terms, Stroman was the Postal Service’s government guy!
Ronald Stroman’s Background
In addition to a Juris Doctorate from Rutgers University Law Center, Stroman brought over 30 years of experience in government and legislative affairs to his post as DPMG. Stroman worked as an attorney with the Department of Housing and Urban Development from 1978-1984. After that, he served as counsel on the Judiciary Committee for the US House of Representatives. He also served on the Committee on Government Operations, and was a minority staff director and counsel for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Additionally, Stroman was director for the US Department of Transportation, as well managing director for the Office of Opportunity and Inclusiveness. He returned to the House of Representatives in 2009 as staff director for the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and then finally joined the Postal Service.
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